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Showing posts with the label rights

Consitutional Anatomy - 003 - Economic & Social Rights

I woke up this morning with the lyrics of Boomba Clan's song Sina Habari . The exact line was where one asks "Nairobi Water niliwafanya nini, siwezi fua siwezi osha mwili " while fully soaped up in the shower but with no water from the shower head. Needless to say I was also having a dry tap morning. I remembered someone mentioning that with the new constitution, I could sue the government if they did not provide water. I decided to check it out and see exactly what it says. [Aside] Checking out the constitution is now much easier thanks to a great new website called who get my two thumbs up for their fantastic effort. I wish though they would include a search on every page, and Previous/Next navigation as it would make the site so much more useful. Finding the article dealing with water was however much easier than the PDF file from COE that I've been using. Article 43(1)(d) does give every person the right to clean and safer water in adequate quanti...